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Mine Tour Truck and Mining Caricature

Crystal Mine Tours


In 2015, we started offering tours of our mine!

This was the first time the general public had the opportunity to ride a military vehicle to our commercial mine to see what goes on in our pit.  The guided tour starts with learning a brief history of Ron Coleman Mine, and then get to spend time in our world-class gallery viewing specimens from many different countries.  The mineral specimens are for sale.  Ask the tour guide for pricing and delivery options.  We ship worldwide. 

     After the gallery tour, you load up into the back of an old army transport truck and ride through our public crystal digging area to get a lay of the land before descending down into the open pit quartz mine. Once down there, you'll be shown crystal veins, machinery, and may even have a chance to see our miners digging a pocket!

     At the end of the tour, we'll walk you through our cleaning and sorting area where you'll be shown our large vats we use to clean the quartz, as well as our grading area, where we sort the crystals into different quality groups. Thie tour lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.   CURRENT TOUR TIMES: 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30



Persons who are pregnant, have neck or back injuries should not take the tour as the military vehicle has a rough ride.

For groups of 15 or more adults, we recommend contacting us before arrival for a reservation. 

Crystal Mine Tour Only Price

Adults                      $15.00                

Kids (7-15)                 $10.00

Kids (6 & Under)       FREE

There is a fee for all persons in a school, scout, church, mineral group

Crystal Mine Tour & Crystal Digging Package Price

Adults                    $35.00

Kids (7-15)              $12.50

Kids (6 & Under)     FREE

*There is a fee for all persons in a group

crystal mine tour military vehicle
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