All Activities Pass Ron Coleman Mining Day-Pass
Take full advantage of everything we have to offer with an unlimited day-pass!
The unlimited day-pass includes
As many zip line trips as you can take! Our safety certified staff will give you detailed instructions, harness you, and provide a helmet (during normal operating hours)
An all day crystal digging pass! Dig from open to close and take home all the crystals you have found during your crystal hunting at no additional charge. We ask you to stop by the Gift Shop so we can take a photo to put on social media.
An all-inclusive crystal mine tour of our mine for an insider's look at our post-mining crystal preparation areas and process, our world-class gallery showroom featuring specimens from around the world, a brief history of our mine and the surrounding area, and of course, a guided trip down into our mining pit! Children love riding in a military vehicle. Be sure to take a photo to share on social media @roncolemanmining .
Ages 5-15